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Deployment base

We use custom manifest, which creates zones and records:

((main_domain)): |+
  $TTL 1h
  $ORIGIN ((main_domain)).
  @ IN SOA ((main_domain)). root.((main_domain)). (
             2015082505  ; serial
             15m         ; slaves should check back with us every 15min
             20          ; slaves should retry (on failure) after 20sec
             4h          ; slaves stop being authoritative after 4hr without updates
             1h          ; other NSes should cache our results for 1h
             IN NS ns1.((main_domain)).
  ns1        IN A  ((public_dns_ip))
  concourse  IN ((concourse_lb_ip))
  grafana    IN ((grafana_lb_ip))
  kibana     IN ((control_plane_lb_ip))
  uaa        IN ((uaa_lb_ip))
  jumpbox    IN ((jumpbox_ip))
opscontrol: |+
  $TTL 1h
  $ORIGIN opscontrol.
  @ IN SOA bosh. root.bosh. (
            2015082505  ; serial
            15m         ; slaves should check back with us every 15min
            20          ; slaves should retry (on failure) after 20sec
            4h          ; slaves stop being authoritative after 4hr without updates
            1h          ; other NSes should cache our results for 1h
             IN NS ns1.((main_domain)).
  bosh       IN DNAME bosh.

Deployment version


Configured operations files

Priority Ops name Description