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Required resources

This page enumerates resources required for minimal deployment: OpsControl and single environment with both Kubernetes and Cloudfoundry.

Network and containers

OpenStack project dan be configured with quotas for the resources. The follwing table lists minimal number of resources required for the Cloudboostr deployment. Deployment of the

Resource Minimal count Environment OpsControl
Floating IPs 11 6 5
Networks 8 5 3
Load Balancers 7 3 4
Load Balancer pools 12 6 6
Load Balancer listeners 12 6 6
Security groups 11 5 6
Routers 1 - -
Keypairs 4 2 2
Private images 10 - -
Buckets 6 2 4

Networks example:


Floating IPs

Floating IPs can be connected directly to the virtual machine or to the load balancers. Jumpbox machines are accessed directly and exposed via the external IP for the SSH connection. DNS server is connected to the external DNS like Route53.

Load balancers shape traffic for HA available tools like Cloud Founry router, Kubernetes workers, Grafana or Kibana. External IPs in this case are being used for DNS translation.

Connected to compute instances

  • OpsControl:
    • Jumpbox
    • DNS master
  • Environment:
    • Jumpbox
    • DNS master

Connected to load balancers

  • OpsControl:
    • UAA
    • Concourse
    • Kibana
    • Grafana
  • Environment:
    • CF router
    • CF SSH
    • Kubernetes

Load Balancers

Load balancers can have multiple pools and listeners configured. In this case number of pools configured in the default deployment is equal to the number of the listeners.

  • OpsControl:
    • UAA (1 pool)
    • Concourse (1 pool)
    • Kibana (3 pools)
    • Grafana (1 pool)
  • Environment:
    • CF router (2 pools)
    • CF SSH (1 pool)
    • Kubernetes (3 pools)

Load balancers example:


Computational resources

Computational resources consist of virtual machines with differenet numbers of vCPU cores, memory size, ephemeral and persistent disks connected. Total number shows sum of resources required for OpsControl and single environment

Mem 168 GB
HDD (persistent) 319 GB
HDD (ephemeral) 1260 GB
Memory 44 GB
HDD (persistent) 205 GB
HDD (ephemeral) 340 GB
Mem 124 GB
HDD (persistent) 114 GB
HDD (ephemeral) 920 GB


Number of the CPUs, memory and HDD size are calculated for the full deployment, with both Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry. Deployment without Cloud Foundry requires less resources.

Cloud config

Cloud config describes types of virtual machines that are being used by Cloudboostr deployment.

general_medium 4 16GB -
general_medium_50GB 4 16GB 50GB
general_medium_100GB 4 16GB 100GB
general_small 2 8GB -
memory_medium 4 32GB -
memory_medium_100GB 4 32GB 100GB
memory_small 2 16GB -

Breakdown of virtual machines

This is the full list of virtual machines in the minimal Cloudboostr deployment.


Deployment VM Cores Memory (GB) HDD Ephemeral (GB) HDD Persistent (GB)
Bosh opscontrol-bosh 4 4 20 64
Jumpbox opscontrol-jumpbox 2 4 20
Prometheus opscontrol-prometheus 2 4 20 10
DNS opscontrol-dns-master 1 1 20
opscontrol-dns-slave 1 1 20
ELK opscontrol-telemetry-elasticsearch_data 1 2 20 100
opscontrol-telemetry-kibana 2 4 20 5
opscontrol-telemetry-elasticsearch_master 2 4 20 1
opscontrol-telemetry-ingestor 1 2 20 5
opscontrol-telemetry-router 1 2 20
Concourse opscontrol-concourse-web 2 4 20 10
opscontrol-concourse-db 2 4 20 10
opscontrol-concourse-worker 4 8 100


Deployment VM Cores Memory (GB) HDD Ephemeral (GB) HDD Persistent (GB)
Kubernetes env-k8s-master 1 2 20 5
env-k8s-worker 2 16 20
env-k8s-worker 2 16 20
env-k8s-metrics-forwarder 1 0.5 20
Prometheus env-prometheus 2 4 20 10
DNS env-dns-master 1 1 20
env-dns-slave 1 1 20
Bosh env-bosh 4 4 20 64
Jumpbox env-jumpbox 2 4 20
Cloud Foundry cc-worker 1 2 20
consul 1 2 20 5
router 1 2 20
tcp-router 1 2 20
consul 1 2 20 5
nats 1 2 20
diego-api 2 4 20
backup-restore 1 2 20 10
nats 1 2 20
log-api 1 2 20
doppler 1 2 20
singleton-blobstore 1 2 20
api 1 2 20
log-api 1 2 20
scheduler 1 2 20
diego-api 2 4 20
router 1 2 20
doppler 1 2 20
adapter 1 2 20
consul 1 2 20 5
doppler 1 2 20
diego-cell 4 8 100
cc-worker 1 2 20
api 1 2 20
doppler 1 2 20
tcp-router 1 2 20
database 2 4 20 10
scheduler 1 2 20
adapter 1 2 20
diego-cell 1 2 20
uaa 1 2 20
uaa 1 2 20
metrics-forwarder 1 0.5 20