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Environment deployment

Deploying environments

Environments are deployed using Concourse CI/CD tool. Each environemnt has its own set of credentials and a team in the Concourse.

To create the whole environment follow the steps:

  1. Log in to Concourse using team credentials.

Concourse address is concourse.[opscontrol_base_domain], for example if the base domain is set to the concourse address would be


Teams credentials are available in credhub. To access the data SSH to jumpbox and use following commands: bash credhub_login credhub get

If you don't know the team names it is possible to enumerate all credentials using commands: bash credhub_login credhub find

  1. Unpause the "set-pipelines" pipeline using unpause button. Unpause pipeline

  2. Run the pipeline using acquire_locks job and wait for the pipeline to finish.

Start pipeline

  1. Run deploy_bosh pipeline to install whole environment infrastructure: BOSH, Jumpbox, DNS, Prometheus etc.

  2. After deploy_bosh is done you can deploy Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry using deploy_k8s and deploy_cf pipelines accordingly.

The last step of both Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry pipelines contains informations how to use the deployed platforms and admin credentials.

Both Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes are automatically configured on environment jumpbox with CF CLI and kubectl preinstalled.